Talk to the guard and pick up the shovel he offers you. Take the medallion piece from the front of the floating platform, then go forward.

The view will open up and you will see two large floating beasts.

Examine the chest of the large beast - you need to rotate the hexagonal tiles to complete the purple and green paths. Go right and examine the floating platform, then insert your stone key. Pull the lever to the right, then talk to the ghost and take the stone key.
#Tormentum dark sorrow torture chamber series
If you move your view around on this screen you will see a series of 4 symbols through the windows and doorways insert your lever into the device in the floor and adjust the 4 symbols to match those in the background. Examine the left skeleton in the back wall and take its skull, then place it on the right skeleton. Pick up the rusty lever from the ground here, then return left twice. Head right twice and talk to your friend, who is still captive in his cage. Swap the pieces in the bottom row so they match with those of the upper row. Examine the device behind the statue and insert your rusty plate in the gap. Now adjust the position of the wings and mirrors to reflect the light into the shape of a 5-pointed star. Insert the stone heart in the angel, then insert both crystal eyes into the skulls at the top. Examine the mirror stand on the left and insert all 4 broken mirror pieces. Examine the candles on the ground use the piece of wood to light all of the candles. Pick up another mirror piece from the floor on the right. Now pull the cages down so they look the same as in your picture - numbering them from left to right, pull down cages 5, 3, 4 and then 1. Pick up the mirror piece from the ground and another from the cage on the far right, then examine the boards on the back wall remove them and take the stone heart from behind. Talk to the beings standing in front of the stone angel, then continue right again. Take the broken mirror piece, then go right. Place the 5 gears on pegs to make the top gear turn and the bars will lift up. Now examine the large metal lock on the door use the small metal plate on the 4 screws to reveal the inner workings. Examine the crow in the window and take the small rusty plate from its mouth.

Break the forearm off the other skeleton and pick it up, then use it to get the glowing crystal eye. Read the note on the cell wall, then examine the skull on the left and it will fall down so that the glowing eye falls into the grate in the floor.